Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Week 8

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G'day all
Well, we've come to the end of our time together! I do hope that you've enjoyed your time in this class and more importantly, I hope you feel that your English has improved! I wish you all the very best for 2012 and the future. Thank you for being a lovely group and making my job easy and a pleasure!

As many Australians and other people around the world will celebrate Christmas on December 25th , open the link and then choose Australia and two other countries from the list. Read about how these countries celebrate at this time. When you've finished reading, write about it in your blog. DO NOT copy all the information BUT compare the information. Put in a Christmas photo to go with your post.

Now, have a look/listen to this Australian Christmas song. Ask me for a worksheet to fill in the missing words as you listen!

When you finsih this, you can continue with Living English. (Remember the link is in the sidebar on the right hand side of this page)

Well that's all for now and for 2011! Remember that next year you can check out the blog if you like. Just open this blog and there will be a link to the blog for 2012!

Good luck to all and thanks again for being a great class!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Week 7

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G'day all

I'm sure you're all glad that the presentations are over! You did a very good job overall and I was quite surprised by some of you! Well done!

I'll be checking all the blogs over the next few days so I hope that your posts are up to date! Remember that your blog is your writing portfolio and should have a variety of texts there! You should have written responses to BTN stories (for example, Bananas/Food waste); Mr Bean recount; recount of your holidays; Father's Day; information report about person on our Australian banknotes etc)

Here is a mini-play for you to listen to and complete some activities. Click on the worksheet first, open it and print it off. Then you can open the audio and listen to the play. Hope it's not too hard for you to follow the English accent!!

Have fun! Happy blogging!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Week 6

G'day all

Well the end of the term and the semester is fast approaching! I hope you feel that you have improved some skills this term. In Comments at the end of this post, write what you liked doing in this class.

On Tuesday, we were looking at modals so here's a bit of extra practice for you today. Open the worksheets, print them off if you like and start the tasks! The first one is can or must. Now try this exercise which has mixed modals! it's a bit harder. Print off the grammar lesson that goes with it if you need help! There are other exercises here too which you can do if you'd like to!

I'm sure that by now you have finished all the preparation for your presentation but if you need time today to do some more work, that's fine with me!

Here is a bit of listening for those who want to do some! You will hear 2 teachers, (Andrew and Alison) talking about what they are wearing. Print off the questions and then open the audio link at the end of the page to hear them speaking. When you have answered the questions you can post the information in your blog.

Happy blogging!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Week 5

G'day all!
As promised, here are a few photos taken during my visit to Melbourne. I hope you like the slide show!
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I realise you didn't get a chance to look at the blog last week but well done to Ken who posted a sticky on the Wallwisher! Why don't you add your suggestion today?

Today, I'd like you to work on your presentation. Ask me for help if you need it! That's what I'm here for! If you're under control, you can do the following grammar activity about my or mine. Which is correct in this quiz?

Then you can continue with Living English!

Happy blogging!