Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Week 8

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G'day all
Well, we've come to the end of our time together! I do hope that you've enjoyed your time in this class and more importantly, I hope you feel that your English has improved! I wish you all the very best for 2012 and the future. Thank you for being a lovely group and making my job easy and a pleasure!

As many Australians and other people around the world will celebrate Christmas on December 25th , open the link and then choose Australia and two other countries from the list. Read about how these countries celebrate at this time. When you've finished reading, write about it in your blog. DO NOT copy all the information BUT compare the information. Put in a Christmas photo to go with your post.

Now, have a look/listen to this Australian Christmas song. Ask me for a worksheet to fill in the missing words as you listen!

When you finsih this, you can continue with Living English. (Remember the link is in the sidebar on the right hand side of this page)

Well that's all for now and for 2011! Remember that next year you can check out the blog if you like. Just open this blog and there will be a link to the blog for 2012!

Good luck to all and thanks again for being a great class!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Week 7

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G'day all

I'm sure you're all glad that the presentations are over! You did a very good job overall and I was quite surprised by some of you! Well done!

I'll be checking all the blogs over the next few days so I hope that your posts are up to date! Remember that your blog is your writing portfolio and should have a variety of texts there! You should have written responses to BTN stories (for example, Bananas/Food waste); Mr Bean recount; recount of your holidays; Father's Day; information report about person on our Australian banknotes etc)

Here is a mini-play for you to listen to and complete some activities. Click on the worksheet first, open it and print it off. Then you can open the audio and listen to the play. Hope it's not too hard for you to follow the English accent!!

Have fun! Happy blogging!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Week 6

G'day all

Well the end of the term and the semester is fast approaching! I hope you feel that you have improved some skills this term. In Comments at the end of this post, write what you liked doing in this class.

On Tuesday, we were looking at modals so here's a bit of extra practice for you today. Open the worksheets, print them off if you like and start the tasks! The first one is can or must. Now try this exercise which has mixed modals! it's a bit harder. Print off the grammar lesson that goes with it if you need help! There are other exercises here too which you can do if you'd like to!

I'm sure that by now you have finished all the preparation for your presentation but if you need time today to do some more work, that's fine with me!

Here is a bit of listening for those who want to do some! You will hear 2 teachers, (Andrew and Alison) talking about what they are wearing. Print off the questions and then open the audio link at the end of the page to hear them speaking. When you have answered the questions you can post the information in your blog.

Happy blogging!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Week 5

G'day all!
As promised, here are a few photos taken during my visit to Melbourne. I hope you like the slide show!
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I realise you didn't get a chance to look at the blog last week but well done to Ken who posted a sticky on the Wallwisher! Why don't you add your suggestion today?

Today, I'd like you to work on your presentation. Ask me for help if you need it! That's what I'm here for! If you're under control, you can do the following grammar activity about my or mine. Which is correct in this quiz?

Then you can continue with Living English!

Happy blogging!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Week 4

G'day all

Sorry I can't be with you today but I'm thinking of you all anyway! I'm having a fantastic time here in Melbourne. I'm not winning any money but I'm having fun and enjoying the atmosphere and meeting or seeing well known TV and radio personalities! You can prepare your questions to ask me on Tuesday!

I do apologise for the difficulties you experienced last Thursday with the news item! I just don't know why I could hear it but you couldn't open anything! I tried to do it again but couldn't get the audio to work. I'll try again when I have more time!

Remember too to take the time to do some more research for your presentation. Hopefully you'll be able to use the printer today!

Continue with Living English and don't forget to read the grammar attached to each one and try the 'quiz' too!

I think you enjoyed adding comments on the wallwisher, didn't you?! Amanda and Aree treated it like a live 'chat' and sent comments to You Tao! I hadn't thought of doing that but what a good idea! You can do that if you like but you must remember to click the Refresh button (those 2 little arrows on the top menu bar) to get the updates!

Happy blogging!

Ways to improve English!

How many ways are there to improve your English outside the classroom? Click on the link below and the double click anywhere on the page to add your suggestion! Don't forget to add your name!!! Let's build a BIG wall!!!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Week 3

G'day all

Well you all worked hard again last week with the BTN news story! It's amazing to think about how much food we waste, isn't it?

Remember that the posts you publish make up part of your writing portfolio so it is very important to  write in your blogs when I ask you to!

I hope you enjoyed the Living English videos and grammar last week! The story builds from week to week and the language and grammar get harder! You can also follow this series at home. There is a permanent link to the site in the sidebar on the right of this blog! Check out the other links too! You'd never know what you can find!!!

I mentioned last Thursday and again on Tuesday about the oral presentations you will all have to do on November 15. Why don't you take some time today to do some research on your topic? If you know powerpoint, you can use it during your presentation! You will need some photos or objects so make sure you get them early!!!

If you get tired of doing research, you can choose something to do... either grammar or listening!

Happy blogging!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Week 2

G'day all

I hope you're not feeling too hot today with the sudden rise in temperature!!

The first thing I'd like you to do today is to finish off any work from last week that needs to be done! Some of you work a bit more slowly than others so you need a bit more time! I hope you all had a good laugh at  Mr Bean!

I enjoyed having a chat with you on Tuesday about shopping habits you had in your home country and those you have now. It's interesting how many 'good' habits there were and we're trying to adopt them now in Australia! I hope it's not too late!

Do you have any food waste in your home? Have a look at this BTN video and answer the questions on this worksheet. Print it off if you like! Try to answer the questions at the end of the page without reading the text! You can give me the completed worksheet to correct!

When you finish this work, have a look at Living English and work through some of the episodes. It's a very good way to improve your listening and grammar at the same time!

Happy blogging!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Term 4, Week 1

G'day all and welcome back to Term 4!

I hope you enjoyed the time away from TAFE but I hope you haven't forgotten how to blog!!! 

On Tuesday, we talked a lot about plastic bags and the problems they create. Have look at this BTN video which looks at many of the same things as we did. You can read the tapescript if you like. When you finish watching the video, open your blog and start a new post. In the title write Plastic Bags. In your post write 5 pieces of information about plastic bags. For example, you could write some positive and negative things:  They are light and easy to carry; They are dangerous because small children can suffocate if they put them on their heads etc...

When you've finished that, look at this YouTube video with Mr Bean. Then in your blog, write a recount of the story!

Happy blogging!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Week 7

Wordle: Untitled

There are 2 sentences hiding in this WORDLE. Can you unjumble them and write them in COMMENTS at the end of this post? The first words have capital letters (The and I). The bigger words mean that those words are in both sentences! Good luck!

G'day all

I can't believe that we've come to the end of the term already! It has gone quickly, hasn't it? Today is an opportunity for you to catch up on any work that hasn't been done.

By now you should all have the following posts in your blogs:

  1. Information about yourself, where you come from, how long you've been in Australia, things you like etc and also a photo of where you come from and a link to a website where people can read more about your country.
  2. A paragraph with answers to the story about Bananas.
  3. A post about Father's Day
  4. A post about someone who's on Australian banknotes.
If you are up to date then you can do the following work.

On Tuesday most of you had a bit of trouble with tag questions so try these exercises to help you understand them a bit more. Print them off if you want!

Have a go at this fun language game! You won't forget to read the instructions, will you?

If you still have time left, open the Living English link (in the menu on the right hand side of the blog) and continue from where you got up to last time.

Have an enjoyable break from TAFE and I hope to see you all back on Oct 11 for a short 8 week term!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Week 5/6

G'day all

I hope you all enjoyed the 'holiday' from this class last week! Did any of you work on your blogs or were you too busy doing the sheets I gave you!

On Tuesday afternoon we looked at the story of Mary Reibey whose picture is on the $20 note. Someone asked about the other notes so I thought that you could find out that information today! Have a look at this link and look at the pictures of the Second Series (1991-). Choose ONE person who is  pictured on the notes. Print off this worksheet and answer the questions. Click on the link to this website and type in the person's name in the SEARCH box. If there is a lot of information, you can use the Life Summary menu on the right side of the page. This will give you the most of the information you need!

When you've done that, write the answers in your blog.

Good luck and happy blogging!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Week 4

G'day all

Well done on all the grammar you did last week. Your blogs are looking good too but I'll have to check them with you today because I'm not able to write comments on them. It is important that I can do this so you know I am reading what you write!

On Sunday 4th September, Australians will celebrate Father's Day. Look at this video to find out what happens on this day, who celebrates it and when and why the day was 'invented'. Is Father's Day celebrated at the same time in your country? (The same as in the video or the same time as in Australia?) If not, then when is it celebrated? Will you celebrate this day with your family? How?  Answer these questions in your blog. Write 2 things about Father's Day in your blog. Write a little information report in paragraphs about this day and also write how you and your family will celebrate this day.

When you've done this, have a look at this interesting website. It is very good for listening and speaking skills as well as reading! The early episodes are quite easy but they're very good for revision!.
Happy blogging and a very Happy Father's Day to all the fathers in the class!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Week 3

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G'day all!

Well done on all the hard work you did last week. Here are your tasks for today.
  1. Make sure you have written about yourself in your blog.
  2. Write a short paragraph about the topic of BANANAS from last week's class.
  3. Put a link to my blog if you don't already have one. (Ask me to show you how to do this)
  4. Print off this worksheet and complete the online tasks.
  5. Show me your completed worksheet so that I can check your answers.
  6. If you still have time, you can try this exercise and this one or even this one on the present perfect for practice!
Have a good weekend and happy blogging!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Week 2

Wordle: 2 sentences

G'day all

I hope you are all able to log on today without too much trouble! First of all, Congratulations on creating your blogs last week! I'm looking forward to seeing them each week and watch you do more and more things in them!

The words in the puzzle (wordle) above make 2 sentences about this class. Can you work out what they are?

When you finish that, the next thing I'd like you all to do today (if you didn't do this last week!) is to open your blog and go to NEW POST and put in a title... first post or about me or whatever you like! Then I'd like you to write a few things about yourself, for example, where you come from, how long you've been here, what you like doing etc...anything you think might be of interest!

When you have done that, you can ask me to check it! Then I'll show you how to add a link to your post!

The next thing to do is to look at the Behind the News (BTN) story. This week it's about bananas. Open this link to see the video. Print off this worksheet and complete the questions. Then write a short paragraph in your blog about the topic. Remember to put in a picture of some bananas!!

Have a good weekend and happy blogging!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Welcome to blogging!

G'day all and welcome to blogging!

In this class I will give you some activities to do every week. If you don't finish them all in the class time you can complete them at home if you have the internet.

Each week I'll try to give you a listening activity and a reading or writing task. You will write your answers on your own blog which I'll help you to create. We'll also use the TAFE email so you can send me and your classmates emails!

I'll also show you how to put your photos on the blog and add links etcetera.

I hope you'll enjoy doing these activities.

Ok, well let's get started and get you creating your own blog! Follow the instructions on the sheets I've handed out.

When you have written about yourself in your blog, you can try these activities.

Open this link and watch the video. The video will take a few minutes to load! Then print off these worksheets and complete them while watching to the video! If you finish theis and still have time, you can write a short post about Ramadan in your blog!

Hope you can manage! Happy blogging!